What is Reign of Chaos?

What is Reign of Chaos (RoC)?

A complete pain in the ass. But for those that like tactics and coordination, this is an excellent component of the game for you.

Why partake in RoC? : You get pretty decent rewards after 45 days or so. It's team building (if things go right) and forces an alliance/s to work together at optimal levels for success. I recommend doing RoC instead of not doing RoC, because fuck it. Why not?

End goal of RoC: Knock down as many of the 4 enemy alliance centers you can, while losing none/the minimum of yours. (E.g, if enemy loses 3, try to lose 0-2. Preferably 0.)


1. Alliance Centers. Each alliance can build upto four Alliance Centers (hereby referred to as AC1, AC2, AC3, and AC4 respectively) in specific areas of the State map.

  • AC1 can only be built in the Desert
    (contains tiles level 1 - 4)
  • AC2 can only be built in the plains.
    (Tiles level 5 - 8)
  • AC3 can only be built in the Greenlands.
    (Tiles 9 - 12)
  • AC4 can only be built in the Dark Forest.
    (Tiles 12 - 16)

2. Buildings. AC1 allows each player to create 4 personal buildings that should be placed strategically around the AC1 (further information below). AC2, AC3, AC4 all give the initial option to build 2 buildings at those sites.

Buildings available at AC1:
Coalition Building
Guardian Fortress
Assault Fortress
Workshop Building

Buildings initially available at AC2, AC3, AC4:

For further information on the function of the buildings and capturing tiles, please visit the links

3. Tiling is arguably the second most essential part of RoC, other than AC placement. Or it could be the first most important, and AC placement is second. What do I know? I just type stuff. Click the link for a detailed description of tiling, tips and my personal opinions.

4. Attacking: In a coordinated effort, a certain amount of players have to go to a different State, figure out which AC they should attack. AC1 and AC2 are primary targets at the beginning of all seasons of RoC. These are the primary targets because when RoC war begins, you can only place a Rally Point* in the desert. If you attack AC2, you have to place a rally point IN THE DESERT as close as you can find to the AC2, and then begin bridging towards AC2. As the season progresses, and enemies begin tiling in your State, and you in theirs, you can begin to bridge based off of the closest tile you have to an AC, instead of having to wait for a rally point to be built.

5. Defending: Defense is the key to a good offense. If your AC is in danger, you'll likely have your R5 call back the attacking players to come help defend the AC. If the defense can manage the attack by the enemy, it allows your attacking players to continue their job of taking down enemy ACs. As a defender, you want to slow down the progress of an enemy alliance to your AC. In doing this, you 1) give the attacking players more time to do their job, 2) score points for your alliance by taking the tiles of the enemies bridging towards you (only from the alliance at war. Taking tiles from a farm outside of the main alliance will not give any alliance points).


Pre-Preparation Phase: This is when you first receive the notification of "Coming Soon", and everyone absolutely loses their shit and complains about how much the developers suck. This is usually also the period where people design how their AC1 will look, other alliances they will partner with, and how to use farm alliances for maximum defensive tiling.

Preparation Phase: RoC begins with one week of preparation. In this week, you should build your ACs, level your buildings as much as you can within reason, and focus purely on defensive tiling of your AC1 (and maybe AC2).

RoC War Phase: RoC then continues the week after and lasts for roughly 5 to 6 weeks. Wars are fought on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are three different time slots you can choose to fight in. 00:00 GMT - 08:00 GMT, 08:00 GMT - 16:00 GMT, 16:00 GMT to 00:00 GMT. You can select a "truce timer" per week, which gives your alliance a reprieve from combat for those allotted hours for the duration of the week. Truce timers can be changed once per week. (E.g, if you have the truce timer between 8 and 16, you will be able to declare and be declared upon in either 0-8, or 16-00. Typically, you only have one war a day, but there have been very rare exceptions where someone has had to fight twice in one day. 8 hour rest period between battles is mandated.)

RoC Tally Week: The final week of RoC is called the tally phase. On the first day of tally phase, the R5 of the alliance gets their RoC reward (if the alliance has ranked within the top 40). From this point on, the R5 can distribute rewards accordingly to any player that has scored more than 10,000 points throughout the duration of the season. If a player does not score 10,000 points throughout the season, the player is not eligible for rewards. During this week, you will not be able to collect more RoC resources, and your buildings are pretty much useless. But, you are still able to convert all of the RoC resources you have into normal resources, so don't forget to keep converting your resources into iron!

RoC break: Usually lasts 2-3 weeks. Life is good. You can breathe again. See friends and family again. Maybe go to the beach. Probably get laid (but unlikely). This break time passes by incredibly quickly, and the calmer things are, the angrier you are likely to get when RoC is unceremoniously announced by the developers 2 days before Prep week starts.

Good luck to all of you on your RoC journey.

Happy gaming!

*A rally point (RP) is a 3x3 space that can be placed so that players on offense can begin tiling there. Also, each rally point provides one free teleport within a certain radius of the rally point. In order to place a rally point, there can be no tiles, giants or wight kings within that 3x3 space.
