Frontline workshop
Process the collected resources in order to update the other buildings. Updating it will help produce faster, so go first for this and later you will have resources to upgrade Coalition and Fortress.
Assault fortress
Improves the attack properties of field battle.
Guardian fortress
Improves the defense properties of field battle.
Coalition Base camp
It is the special hospital of RoC. When occupying the tiles you require a certain level of Loyalty that will increase as you update this building, it is necessary to update it to occupy tiles from level 4 onwards, as you level up, your troops will suffer damage even with enough Loyalty, and the wounded troops must be healed in the coalition camp.
There are also resources that you get specifically for RoC. When these are converted to "Military Supplies" and "Construction Material" (materials used for increasing the level of RoC buildings), you simultaneously get resources that you can use in your normal daily castle routines. You can learn more about the resources in the Tiles section
Coalition and Loyalty
Please check the list to make sure you have the Loyalty level needed for each level of tiles, in this Season2 you also have to check the power of your Legion needed to take that level of tiles!
Tip: you can rotate your Class legion Heroes to other legions so you can use stamina from all of them!
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