Resource plots / Tiles

The level of the tiles that you can occupy during RoC is related to the Buildings of Honor. Also is related to the processing of the resources you get from tiles:
Frontline workshop
Process the collected resources in order to update the other buildings. Updating it will help produce faster, so go first for this and later you will have resources to upgrade Coalition and Fortress.
Always try to process both resources: for updating Coalition and Fortress at the same time, to unblock the second processing row you can follow the images, the left branch is the one that allows you process two resource at the same time, then you can go up or right:

The resources

There are also resources that you get specifically for RoC. When these are converted to "Military Supplies" and "Construction Material" (materials used for increasing the level of RoC buildings), you simultaneously get resources that you can use in your normal daily castle routines. 

  • The Abandoned Farms produce bread, which can be converted into "Military Supplies", which is used for upgrading your coalition building. It is also converted into food that you can use for your normal daily castle routines.
  • Nonfunctioning Quarries produce some rock type material that can also be converted to military supplies for RoC, and marble for normal play.
  • Crumbling Mines produce gold iron, which can be converted to "Construction Material". Construction Material can be used to upgrade your Fortresses and your Workshops. It also converts into iron.
  • Half Burnt Logging site produces mutated branches, which can be converted to "Construction Material". It is also converted to lumber.
  • Shabby Distillery produces strong ale, which can be converted to "Military Supplies" and ale
  • A final resource which cannot be obtained directly from tiles is a stone cart. These stone carts are received when you take tiles, and they simultaneously convert to both "Military Supplies" and "Construction Material".
Military Supplies are used to upgrade Coalition buildings, and can be produced by materials from Abandoned Farms, Nonfunctioning Quarries, Shabby Distillery, and Stone Cart.
Construction Materials are used to upgrade the Assault Fortress, Guardian Fortress, and the Frontline Workshops, and can be produced by materials from Crumbling Mines and Half Burnt Logging Sites:

Tile You Get To Upgrade Resource
Abandoned Farms Military supplies Coalition Food
Nonfunctioning Quarries Military supplies Coalition Marble
Crumbling mines Construction material Fortress / Workshop Iron
Half Burnt Logging Construction material Fortress / Workshop Lumber
Shabby distillery Military supplies Coalition Ale

Tile details

Also, before occupying a tile you can click on the Details option:
  • Production: specify the resources to collect
  • Guard combat power: It is the combat power of the soldiers who can occupy that tile (update: for Season 2 you have to check the Guard Power, that's the power of your Legion needed to occupy that tile, so for more detail check the chart at the end of this article)
  • Influence value: Influence points that tile will give you
  • Rebel zeal: it is the loyalty that tile will give you. You will also see your current legion's loyalty in red or green, and a warning about the damage your legion will take when attacking this tile.
This Loyalty depends on the level of your Coalition field, for example: 1201 fidelity (level 7+5 coalition fields) will only allow you to take tiles up to level 6, if you try to take a level 7 tile you will have wounded troops.

Please check the list to make sure you have the Loyalty level needed for each level of tiles, in this Season2 you also have to check the power of your Legion needed to take that level of tiles! 
Tip: you can rotate your Class legion Heroes to other legions so you can use stamina from all of them!



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